Registration fee before February 2023
Registration fee with discount for use of official packages:
$1,400 per team.
Regular Registration Fee without using official packages:
$1,600 per team.
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Registration payment after FEBRUARY 28, 2023
Registration with discount for use of official packages:
$1,500 per team.
Regular Registration Fee without using the official packages:
$1,700 per team.
The companions who wish to be registered have a value of 50.00 usd each, if the advance payment is made to the event.
While if the payment is made at the accreditation (on August 25) the cost will be 60.00 usd.
Accreditation of Companions to the Championship includes:
Credential, Access to all championship facilities, Accreditation kit with official magazine, Event T-shirt, Ticket to the Opening Celebration, Ticket to the Social Party with 2 drinks (one drink and one meal).
And all the special discounts at the championship's meeting points or fan-fest.