- When the games start?
The matches begin on Saturday, August 26th, 2023 at 9:00 AM. But the event begins the day before (Friday 25th) with the tams accreditation, congresses and a welcome party. No team can play without being accredited.
See the calendar section in this site for more details.
- When does the championship end?
The Championship ends with the completion of the last game, on Sunday, September 3, 2023. But for each team it ends the day they play their last game.- How to register my team?
The first step is to complete the pre-registration form on this site. Then you will be guided to complete the following steps which are: national authorization to represent your country, registration payment, and team data upload.
Additionally, you will receive offers of official lodging and transportation packages. Finally, we will be checked if you have additional charges for registration of extra teams assistants, or companions, if you wish to register them, or you will be informed if your registration payment is complete or you must do some other action.
HOW SHOULD THE PLAYING JERSEYS BE IN THE WORLD CH? At the time of registration, each team delegate shall inform the colors of the two sets of the mandatory play jerseys, one light and one dark. Players may use numbers from and 0 to 00 and 1 to 99.
The jerseys must show the team country and may have the name and/or advertising. Advertising shall be informed prior to FIMBA for being authorized. No discriminatory images or morally unaccepted sentences are allowed. All the jerseys shall have in any front superior angle the official FIMBA logo.
The team on the left side of the schedule shall use light jerseys. The team on the right side of the schedule shall use dark jerseys.
The mandatory FIMBA logo for the basketball jersey is available at this event site.
Why do we recommend living the championship experience choosing the official packages?
To live the best experience of the event and your trip, we recommend booking the Official Accommodation Packages. Let's review the features...
The Official Packages offer hotels approved by the organization of the Championship.
The hotels of the Official Packages are mostly located within the preferential district of the championship (FIMBA Downtown).
Official packages also include transportation to matches at no additional cost.
The official packages grant discounts on the registration amount, among many other additional advantages.
The contact of the official operator (only operator authorized to offer the packages) is: and the telephone number is +54 9 2236222329
What is Downtown FIMBA?
The Downtown FIMBA is a defined district or area within the host city of the championship characterized by concentrating:
1. Most of the official hotels that make up the benefit packages of the event.
Including the Main FIMBA Hotel
2. The Accreditation Center (teams check in)
3. The permanent information center of the event.
4. The theme parties (Fanfest) of the Championship
5. Restaurants and venues with special discounts for participants.
6. The departure and arrival points of the transports to the game coliseums.
Buses to go to the matches included in the official packages.
7. Activities within a short distances. Walking distance.